Unleashing Design Brilliance: The Cognitive Thinking Advantage In Creativity

Abimbola Ashonibare
4 min readJun 22, 2023

As designers, creativity is intertwined in all of our activities. The ability to be a creative goes a long way in ensuring that we are the best at what we do. Our creativity is heavily related to our conscious intellectual activity such as thinking, reasoning or remembering. It’s evident that cognitive thinking plays a crucial role in design creativity. This simply means that our design creativity flourishes when cognitive process comes to play.

The way we perceive and interpret information, make sense of these information, solve problems and make decisions based on our thoughts and experience is what cognitive thinking is all about. At it’s core, cognitive thinking involves the ability to gather and process information from the environment, apply knowledge and past experiences, and use mental processes to understand, analyze, and manipulate that information.

In the context of design creativity, cognitive thinking plays a significant role in the following ways:

  1. Perception

As designers, we are charged with the responsibility of seeing the unseen and this forms the very basis of cognitive thinking in design creativity. Perception forms the bedrock of every successful design endeavor. As designers, perception involves us observing and interpreting the world around us, extracting valuable insights and recognizing patterns that shape our understanding of users needs. By honing our perceptual abilities, we gain a deeper appreciation of the nuances of design challenges, enabling us to create solutions that truly address user requirements.

2. Analysis: Breaking Down Complex Challenges

Analytical thinking is a key component of cognitive thinking in design creativity. It empowers designers to dissect complex problems into manageable components, facilitating a deeper understanding of the underlying factors at play. By analyzing data, constraints, and requirements, designers gain valuable insights that guide their decision-making process, leading to innovative and effective design solutions.

3. Problem Solving: Navigating the Design Maze

As designers, we are charged with the responsibility of solving problems. Problem solving is the superhero skill of cognitive thinking in design creativity. It involves employing logical reasoning and creative thinking to generate multiple solutions, evaluate their viability, and select the most appropriate one. As designers, we leverage our cognitive abilities to explore alternatives, consider constraints, and strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics, ultimately arriving at ingenious design solutions that address user needs.

4. Mental Models: Blueprinting Design Brilliance

Mental models are the cognitive frameworks that designers construct to organize their thinking. They serve as internal representations of the design problem and its potential solution. By developing these mental models, designers gain a structured approach to conceptualizing ideas, predicting outcomes, and evaluating design choices. Mental models act as the guiding force, directing designers towards the creation of exceptional and purposeful designs.

5. Creativity and Ideation: Unleashing Imagination’s Power

Cognitive thinking ignites the flames of creativity in design. It encourages designers to engage in divergent thinking, pushing the boundaries of conventional ideas. By connecting disparate concepts, exploring different perspectives, and embracing curiosity, designers unlock their creative potential. This cognitive process fuels ideation, enabling designers to generate a multitude of innovative ideas that shape groundbreaking design solutions.

6. Decision-making: Empowering Design Choices

Effective decision-making is a crucial aspect of cognitive thinking in design creativity. As designers, we rely on our intuition, expertise, and analytical skills to evaluate options, weigh trade-offs, and make informed choices. By considering user needs, technical constraints, and market trends, designers harness their cognitive abilities to navigate the complexities of design decision-making, ensuring the realization of impactful and successful designs.

7. Reflection and Iteration: Evolution through Introspection

Cognitive thinking encourages designers to embrace reflection and iteration in their creative process. Through introspective evaluation, designers review their work, analyze outcomes, and learn from successes and failures. This continuous improvement loop drives design evolution

Cognitive thinking serves as a powerful catalyst for design creativity. From perception to analysis, problem-solving to mental modeling, and from creativity to decision-making, cognitive processes shape the way designers approach and solve design challenges. By embracing the intricacies of cognitive thinking, designers can unlock their full creative potential, driving innovation, and crafting designs that actually solve problems.



Abimbola Ashonibare

Hello. My name is Abimbola Ashonibare. I am a product designer based in Lagos, Nigeria. I have quite a passion for creating timeless, beautiful designs.